
At the start from October the theatrical season 2014 – 2015 at Ambra Garbatella, full of contemporary Italian theater. The authors, indeed, are all from Italy, and form the billboard with their 22 pièces, with special attention paid to the light comedy and misunderstandings. Authors – young and less young – tell with humor a universe of diverse topics, ranging from the dynamics of love to homosexual couple. A thread will run the shows, which see the tragedies and the ironies of the human being narrated lightly in an attempt to give voice to the art of comedy, real connection of all the spectacles offered on the bill. Will coexist alongside classics such as Romeo and Juliet and Cyrano, and also Snoopy in a funny musical. There will also be some civil commitment with two pièces on the Argentine dictatorship and the Brazilian military. These are the scheduled shows:

Le figlie di Magdalene, by Tenerezza Fattore

Una bugia tira l’altra, by Luigi Russo

Cyrano. Al mio amore, by Enrico Maria Falconi

A-men. Gli uomini, le nuove religioni e altre crisi, by Walter Leonardi

Ciancicagnocchi, by Gabriele Mazzucco

L’arte della commedia (ovvero Impercettibili Sfumature), by Paolo Perelli

Snoopy – Il musical, by  Antonio Melissa

Il matrimonio può attendere, by  Nicola Pistoia

Due donne e un delitto, by Massimo Natale

Siamotuttigay, by Lucilla Lupaioli

È senza meno di più, by Enrico Maria Falconi

Crollasse il mondo,  by Massimiliano Farau

Tra moglie e marito non mettere il dito, by Claudio Gnomus

L’ultimo volo, by Claudio Boccaccini

Amaranto – Inatteso…sorprendente Amore!, by Ilenia Costanza

La libertà è un colpo di tacco, by Manfredi Rutelli

L’ipocrita, by  Giancarlo Fares

Spregevole, by Gabriele Galli

Romeo e Giulietta, by Valentina Cognatti

Pericolo di coppia, by Marco Cavallaro

M’iscrivo ai terroristi, by Gabriele Mazzucco

Vestire gli ignudi, by Ilenia Costanza

Piazza Giovanni da Triora, Roma