

The 14th edition of  MoliseCinema Festival  will take place in Casacalenda (Molise) August 2 to 7. Special events of the festival will also be held in Larino, Termoli and Venafro.

There are four competitive sections of the festival (international courts; Italian courts, documentaries, feature films first and second works). In addition, there will be also events, special screenings, meetings with the leading actors, retrospectives, exhibitions and concerts.
MoliseCinema intends to promote the latest and most innovative productions of Italian and international cinema, favoring young authors and new languages, with particular attention to short films and documentaries.
In the past thirteen editions, the festival has offered the public a highly structured programme  , hosting hundreds of actors, directors, producers and experts of the field.
The success achieved so far, the participation of numerous guests and protagonists of the acting community, the visibility in the local and national press and the broad consensus from institutions and civil society, confirms the growing interest  for MoliseCinema ,which has become a constant reference point in the cultural life of Molise.
With the section “Shoot Molise” the festival promotes Molise as location for cinematographic and audiovisual productions  .
The association also organizes all year round  exhibitions, screenings, meetings and  events  related to  the film culture.