
“I wanted to be Walt Disney” at Teatro Ambra alla Garbatella

I wanted to be Walt Disney by Enrico Maria Falconi and Manolo Casalino will be on at Teatro Ambra alla Garbatella of Rome on December 26th, 27th, 2th9 and 30th and on January 2nd, 3 rd and 6th, directed by Manolo Casalino. Starring: Salvatore Bandiera, Laura Bonato, Giovanni de Anna, Giulia di Turi, Tania Petroni, Coky Ricciolino and Katia Rizzo.

The fairy tale’s characters are now become movie stars. They’re interested in fitness, success, make-up and billionaire contracts. They don’t care any more about telling unforgettable stories to kids and their families. The protagonist will try hard to get them together and to convince them to create a show for free and without the outcry of the public.

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