
“Solo cento volte” by Emiliano De Martino at Teatro Ambra alla Garbatella from 8th to 11th October

On stage from Thursday 8th to Sunday 11th October at Ambra alla Garbatella of Roma “Solo cento volte” (“One hundred times only”) by Emiliano De Martino.

Protagonists, together with the director, Lorenzo Patanè, Rossella Pugliese, Antonio Fiorillo, Andrea Vellotti, Alessia Francescangeli. “One hundred times only” is inspired by a very rare disease, the “syndrome of Ganser”, that is responsible of a sort of mental dissociation. Doctor Lorenzo Malena finds the diseas in two of his patients: Sasà and Camilla. Their fears seem to become real beings and the doctor will have to fight against the “Ganser”.


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