
On February 25th and March 6th and 7th, three days of celebrations in Brescia, Barbariga and Orzinuovi for the 7th European Day of the Righteous.
The institution of the Day of the Righteous of Humanity today is no longer confined to the Holocaust but recalls how many in all genocides and totalitarianisms have worked to defend human dignity.
The Nobel Prize winners Lech Wałęsa and Nadia Murad are included in the list of the “Righteous” of the European Day.

Celebrating the example of the Righteous to spread the values of responsibility, tolerance and solidarity has become for the Fondazione Filosofi Lungo l’Oglio an imperative that led in 2013 to the establishment of the Garden of the Righteous in Brescia and in 2015 to the Garden of the Righteous in Orzinuovi. The intent is not only to give new life to the Gardens of the Righteous of Brescia and Orzinuovi, but also to create new synergies with the institutions and associations.
For the social and civil commitment of the Foundation, the International Jury of the EFFE – Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe Label awarded the Festival Filosofi Lungo l’Oglio of EFFE Label 2019/2020, an award aimed at representing 43 European countries through festivals that stand out for their high artistic quality and significant impact at local, national and international level.